Korean Nose Job: Costs, Risks, and What to Expect in Seoul

Learn the ins and outs of getting a nose job in Korea, from procedure types and risks to the factors affecting costs. Discover how All About Seoul connects patients with leading surgeons and clinics for top-quality rhinoplasty experiences.



Rhinoplasty, which patients also refer to as a Korean nose job, is often used to intensify the facial tunefulness and portions of the nose.

Breathing issues can also be caused by structural disorientation of the nose. This procedure encounters issues by making significant changes around skin, cartilage, and bone.

Key Consideration Before Rhinoplasty

Most of the time, patients only focus on the anticipated results after having a Korean nose job.


However, for a successful surgery, it is important to consider factors before surgery.

1. Fast Before Surgery

Surgery is done using general anesthesia. For patients' safety, it is crucial that they fast after midnight the day before surgery.

The patient is advised to take plenty of water before the fasting begins which will help during surgery.

2. Don't Use Cosmetics

Using cosmetics during surgery poses risks to the success of the surgery and might cause irritability of the skin.

how much is a nose job in south korea

It's very important to wash your face properly before surgery and not apply any cosmetics.

3. Wear the Right Clothes

It is necessary to choose clothes that might not disturb or interfere with the post-surgery nose.

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It is preferable and recommended to use shirts with buttons as compared to shirts that are pulled over the head.

4. Avoiding Particular Medicines

Certain medications should be avoided before surgery because they can interact with anesthesia, disturb blood flow, and can cause blood clotting.

Medications like Aspirin and Coumadin, which are blood-thinning agents, should be avoided as they can cause severe blood loss during surgery.

Rhinoplasty should be avoided in pregnancy.

Common Myths About Rhinoplasty and Debunking Them

Nose Jobs are Easy to Spot

There can be a lot of changes after a nose job, but there are many ways to make fine changes in nasal passages and slightly change the look.

Rhinoplasty Is All About Changing How I Look

how much are nose jobs in korea

Rhinoplasty is not all about changing our looks but is also used for improving nasal function by clearing obstructions.

You Can Get the Perfect Nose You Saw on An Individual

It varies from person to person if someone can get the same nose as it is on a celebrity.

A proper surgeon consultation is needed if a person can get the same desired shape if it's not going to cause any problem with normal nasal function, the surgeon will allow it.

But if it doesn't, then you can't get that same nose as medical considerations cannot be ignored.

It is Painful

The procedure is performed when the patient is under general anesthesia so no pain will be felt during the surgery.

But there can be swelling and bruises while in recovery for that purpose NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) are given.

Types of Rhinoplasty Procedures

Following are
the types of rhinoplasty procedures:

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

In this type of rhinoplasty, silicone implants from the USA and South Korea are placed inside the nose to achieve the desired structure.

The perfectly designed implant will be used after getting the appointment for surgery.

Once the patient is under anesthesia, surgery is performed either by open rhinoplasty, in which cuts are hidden inside the nose, or by close rhinoplasty, where cuts are made covering the columella, a part that separates nostrils.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

It is done for a certain period of time which mostly lasts for 6 months. In this type, dermal fillers are used.

It is preferable for patients who don't want to go for a surgical procedure.

Potential Side Effects

As with all other types of surgeries, rhinoplasty also has potential side effects, which may be infections, bleeding or adverse effects of anesthesia, pain, scarring, and breathing issues.

The patient also becomes susceptible to septal perforation, which is explained as a hole between the nostrils.

The patient may experience changes in sensing smell or might need additional surgeries.

Importance of choosing a certified surgeon to mitigate risks

There are many risks with this surgery as well, as mentioned above. There is a chance that the surgery might have complications.

So, a certified and well-experienced surgeon is necessary to minimize the chances of errors and complications associated with rhinoplasty.


Male Vs Female Rhinoplasty Korea

There might be a slight difference between the healing of a male and female patient after rhinoplasty.

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It is observed that male patients may have more swelling and bruising as they have larger noses, and the skin is thicker than that of female patients, so the healing process takes more time.

Due to these factors, the delayed results of surgery are observed in men.

Cost of Rhinoplasty

The cost of a Korean nose job depends on different factors but Korea offers competitive prices compared to countries like the United States or the United Kingdom.

This difference is partly due to the competitive market in Korea, with numerous clinics specializing in rhinoplasty and catering to international clients.

Factors Affecting the Cost of a Nose Job in Korea

1. Type of Procedure

The specific technique used for your nose job can impact the cost. For example, simple corrections, such as tip refinement, may be less expensive than more complex procedures like complete nasal reconstruction or functional rhinoplasty.

2. Clinic Reputation and Surgeon Expertise

Clinics with well-known surgeons and a strong reputation may charge more for their services. A surgeon’s experience, qualifications, and specialization in rhinoplasty can all contribute to the cost.

3. Hospital Facilities and Services

The level of care and facilities provided by the clinic can vary, affecting the cost. Clinics with state-of-the-art facilities, personalized care, and comprehensive aftercare services might charge a premium.

How to Choose the Right Surgeon and Clinic

There are certain things to be kept in mind while choosing a surgeon and clinic for rhinoplasty.

- The surgeon should be very experienced in performing rhinoplasty surgeries.


- Should be affiliated with a clinic, hospital, or facility famous for giving outstanding results.

how much is nose job in korea

- Find someone who is fully comfortable in answering questions.

cost of nose job in korea

Creating a list and doing thorough online research to find a credible and reliable surgeon and clinic can help a lot in choosing the right surgeon and facility.


A nose job or Rhinoplasty is a helpful procedure for redefining one's looks and appearance and helps not only in boosting self-confidence but also in treating nasal obstructions associated with medical conditions.

Don't let the concerns and myths about rhinoplasty hold you back from experiencing any idea you want to execute on your face, but all you need is a certified surgeon and clinic to get you a more confident life.

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It is not a destination, but rhinoplasty in Korea is a journey, and the patient needs to stay patient to get great results.

Choose AAS for Korean Nose Job

All About Seoul (AAS) is a medical touring agency certified by the government to provide top-notch services to clients from all over the world who are looking for cosmetic procedures in Korea.

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From finding the best doctors to initial consultation to booking the accommodation, AAS handles everything for you.

Our network includes some of the most advanced VIP clinics in Korea, where skilled surgeons use the latest technology to deliver outstanding results.

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We make sure that your trip to Korea is not just for medical purposes, but that you enjoy and explore Korean beauty in the meantime.

Fill out the form below
and get in touch
with our team of experts,
who are available to answer any query you may have!

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